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9 Movie Reviews

Jax from League of Amongus,no way.

The artist would be ''pata'' ,he can be found on e621

HPinky responds:


I did Nazi that coming...

actually,i did.

Recent Game Reviews

14 Game Reviews

Is fun but i do question if it ever ends.
For now it seems endless and feels like a frame for one of those games in the ''satisfying'' genre,weirdly popular,simple games.
Also feels like this is part of a bigger thing.

First of all,sfh,sfh2 and the whole raze trilogy was more fun than this game.
Still enjoyable,but has way more flaws than any of those.
I like how you can make your own team,somehow you can only customise with a handful of forced colors,while raze 3 had the full spectrum on manual and skins you could buy,mind you,this game is newer than that.I don't know where to even start:

-insane,broken weapon/mod combinations
-more weapons,broken ones
-more classes
-gambling stayed

-can’t get funny ‘’junk’’ weapons anymore from ‘’poop’’ tier
-some upgrades you unlock every 5 levels just don’t work (e.i. ‘’silent’’)
-heroes somehow get tired,even after custom matches
-locked behind levels,have to grind way more than in SFH2
-mobile game graphics instead of the gritty,dark flash look
-AI is worse than previous games,when there’s a hole in the middle of the map they just beeline it and kill themselves on repeat regardless of AI difficulty (tested)
Originally I wanted to say it only affects capture the flag,but upon more testing it affects every mode,mostly only the team spawning on the right side of the screen,while left side gets stuck on walls for a while instead of jumping.
-no more story missions,just a long line of challenges that honestly look like it’s made for mobile
-no more cheesy lines for activating killstreaks
-if you lose a match,you gain nothing besides wasted time
-heroes can only level up once per match
-HEAVILY reused,’’recolored’’ maps from at least SHF2 and Raze 3
-can't stack same buffs for fun
-IF YOU SEE A MEDIC WITH ''Loving Spirit'' trait REMOVE IT immediately because it will KEEP YOU IN RESPAWN LIMBO!
(I’ll update if i remember more)

From Raze to SFH,in my opinion the games were about easy to achieve power fantasy,
Cheesy,fun and addicting gameplay.
But this instalment,SFH3,locks it behind a bit of grinding,luck and levels.
Now I get the reason why I played SFH2 and Raze 3 while flash was still active instead of this.
I understand and respect the experimentation,but they took so much out.

Not bad for a basic bullet hell game,it's actually quite fun.

And what do you mean by the sound not working?It worked just fine for me.

LunaticDancer responds:

Then it's finnicky, it doesn't work where I'm testing it.

Big thanks for playing! It was made in 46 hours, kinda had to keep it basic :D

Recent Audio Reviews

2 Audio Reviews

hmm, funny joke V

this....this is just WOAH

Recent Art Reviews

11 Art Reviews

Ah yes,the unfortunate spelling mistake.

''You simply place the square peg in the square hole''
''I simply just shit the square peg into the square hole''
''We are not the same''

But man,the Reggie lore is going places for sure.

Whygena-Draws responds:


This dude must have a really strong back from all of the shit he has to carry.
Love the detail btw.idk what else to say except the drawing's really cool.

And why does he need a spear anyways?

fleepis responds:

the spear is actually an alpenstock!! it was used sorta like a really long walking stick, and prolly also for yetis

This reminds me of a Husk infection,having some serious Barotrauma vibes rn.

Just some fish creature (pending,eventually) on the internet.
Sometimes i draw.
Planning to start comms once i'm fine with the quality.

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